LfVoid: Can Pre-Trained Text-to-Image Models Generate Visual Goals for Reinforcement Learning?

1Tsinghua University, 2Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute, 3Shanghai AI Lab

*Denotes equal contribution

Neurips 2023

LfVoid can generate goal images using image editing methods and learn table-top manipulation tasks with visual reinforcement learning.


Pre-trained text-to-image generative models can produce diverse, semantically rich, and realistic images from natural language descriptions. Compared with language, images usually convey information with more details and less ambiguity. In this study, we propose Learning from the Void (LfVoid), a method that leverages the power of pre-trained text-to-image models and advanced image editing techniques to guide robot learning. Given natural language instructions, LfVoid can edit the original observations to obtain goal images, such as “wiping” a stain off a table. Subsequently, LfVoid trains an ensembled goal discriminator on the generated image to provide reward signals for a reinforcement learning agent, guiding it to achieve the goal. The ability of LfVoid to learn with zero in-domain training on expert demonstrations or true goal observations (the void) is attributed to the utilization of knowledge from web-scale generative models. We evaluate LfVoid across three simulated tasks and validate its feasibility in the corresponding real world scenarios. In addition, we offer insights into the key considerations for the effective integration of visual generative models into robot learning workflows. We posit that our work represents an initial step towards the broader application of pre-trained visual generative models in the robotics field.


Teaser LfVoid consists of two parts: (a) Goal image generation, where we apply image editing on the initial observations according to different editing instructions to obtain a visual goal dataset; (b) Example-Based Visual RL, where we perform reinforcement learning on the generated dataset to achieve the desired goal image in various environments.

Goal Generation Results

Goal generation results of LfVoid on appearance-based editing. The Wipe task and LED task require changing the appearance of an object, such as the surface of a table and the color of a LED light.

Goal generation results of LfVoid on structure-based editing. The Push task requires changing the structure of an image, such as relocating the red cube from the center of an image to the corner.

General editing results of LfVoid. We report the performance of LfVoid on general editing tasks and show that LfVoid can better perform localized edits and preserve the background of the original image.

Additional results of goal images generated by LfVoid.

Visual Reinforcement Learning Results

The episode reward curve of simulation tasks. We show the results of the CLIP baseline (CLIP), InstructPix2Pix baseline (IP2P), using real goal image as an upper bound (Real Goal), and LfVoid (Ours).

The numerical metrics of simulation tasks. We report the success rate for LED and Push, and the number of stain patches cleaned for Wipe.

Visualization of the reward function on Real Robot environments. We visualize the classifier-based reward function obtained by the goal images generated through LfVoid (Ours) and other baselines on successful trajectories. Results show that the reward function obtained by LfVoid can provide near monotonic dense signals, comparable to those from the real goals.

Push Success

Push Success

Push Failure

Push Failure

LED Success

LED Success

LED Failure

LED Failure

Wipe Success

Wipe Success

Wipe Failure

Wipe Failure

Additionally, we provide some visualization videos of the classifier-based reward functions obtained by LfVoid on several successful and failed trajectories. We can observe that our reward function can assign monotonic increasing values for the successful demonstrations, while for failure trajectories the reward curve is almost flat. These visualizations further demonstrate LfVoid's plausibility for real world robotic tasks.


In this work, we present LfVoid, an effective approach for leveraging the knowledge of large-scale text-to-image models and enabling zero-shot reinforcement learning from text prompts and raw observation images. We have identified and tackled numerous challenges that arise when applying state-of-the-art image editing technologies to example-based RL methods. Our work highlights the potential for the adaptation and application of image-generation techniques in the realm of robotics. Our findings not only enhance the understanding of image editing for robotic applications but also provide a clear direction for the image generation community to address real-world challenges


            title={Can Pre-Trained Text-to-Image Models Generate Visual Goals for Reinforcement Learning?}, 
            author={Jialu Gao and Kaizhe Hu and Guowei Xu and Huazhe Xu},


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